In this unit, we've learned about some of the methods of active citizenship. The stories about the Lift the Ban campaign and the Black Lives Matter movement show how people have used creative methods and how they tried to educate others about the need for things to change. The stories also show that it's important to have clear aims and use lots of methods to try and persuade others to support your cause.
activity 1
In this activity, think about the stories you've heard in the unit and try and answer the questions about the kinds of methods that might help bring about change.
get creative!
Trying out different methods can help attract attention to your campaign. What kinds of creative methods can you think of? Why do you think they might be effective?
educate others
Not everyone knows about the issues that are important to you. What methods would help you teach others about the issues you care about?
have clear aims
It's important to know what you want to achieve with your campaign. Why might it be important to have clear aims?
use lots of methods
People might be persuaded by different methods which makes it helpful to use a range of approaches List as many methods of active citizenship as you can
activity 2
Fold a piece of paper over 5 times.
In part one of the paper, write your personal hope for your future and what change you want to see
In the second part, write down what needs to change for the groups you're part of
In the third part, write the main message you want to share about these hopes
In part four, write what steps are needed to make these hopes a reality. Be as creative as possible!
In the last part, list who can help you with your hopes; for example, a local organisation or religious group
activity 3
Think about ... What is the most useful step to take when you want to change something in your community?
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